

If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please call us at (206) 499-6131. Appointments cancelled without at least 48 hours of notice may be subject to a late or cancellation fee*. 

*Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations within 48 hours, or no shows, will be charged at full price. This is to cover the loss of earnings from that appointment that we now cannot fill at such short notice. Rescheduled appointments within 48 hours will also have a $20 charge added to the service price. This is again to cover our loss of earning from that appointment.

Please arrive on time as you have a designated time slot. Our appointment times are more than enough to assure you receive your treatment. Lateness will erode your appointment time but you will still be charged full price.

Thank you for respecting our business. If we do not work, we do not earn, therefore it is paramount our clients understand this, and why we strictly enforce our policy.